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WEB SYMPOSIUM:-Joseph E. LeDoux, PhD
Fear, Memory and the Brain
Joseph E. LeDoux, PhD

Henry and Lucy Moses Professor of Science
Professor of Neural Science and Psychology
New York University, New York, USA

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Lecture assembled in August, 2002
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Slide 1: Much of the basic work has been done in non-human animals, however the findings have been shown to apply to humans as well.
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Slide 2: Many of the things that arouse fear are NOT built into the brain's hardware - they come about through learning and persist through memory.
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Slide 3: Learned fear is studied in the laboratory using a procedure called Pavlovian or Classical fear conditioning.
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Slide 4: A typical fear conditioning experiment: pairing a tone (the Conditioned Stimulus or CS) with a shock (the Unconditioned Stimulus, or US) causes the rat to freeze the next time he hears only the tone. Only one such pairing is required for the rat to make the association.
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Slide 5: A fear arousing stimulus lead also to a host of biological reactions that consitute the defense response that helps the organism cope with the danger it is facing. These responses occur to the tone AFTER, but not BEFORE conditioning.
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Slide 6: Fear conditioning occurs throughout the animal kingdom. Many use a common brain mechanism to achieve fear conditioning.
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