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Web Lecture Suggestions

Is there someone you would like to hear give a lecture, or a topic you would like a lecture to cover? 

Suggestions Submitted as of February, 2004

  1. Spreading depression and neural function and pathology
  2. "I would like to hear a lecture of Dr. Ron MacKay updating issues concerning the epigenetic and genetic manipulations of neural stem cells differentiation. Furthermore it would be interesting to hear a lecture evaluating current possibilities and limitations of stem cells as cell source for neural transplantation, mainly in Parkinson's Disease and others degenerative diseases in the nervous system".
  3. Epilepsy in Children - Diagnosis and Treatment
  4. Cydrotumor ceribri
  5. Neuroscience Education (Neuroscience for the public, the law makers, the media and K thru 12; how to take neuroscience into the classroom and livingroom; virtual "hands-on" neuroscience, teaching with the brain in mind, the application of neuroscience to your daily life, etc.) Suggested presenters: Dr. Norbert Myslinski, Dr. Paul Aravich (Both members of the Society for Neuroscience)
  6. "I would like to learn more about Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease".
  7. "I would like to hear how is taught oral physiology in dental schools in several countries".
  8. Neural Networking
  9. Pain & analgesia; acupuncture analgesia; hypnosis (what is the neurophysiology behind it?)
  10. Nora Volkow, National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH
  11. Story Landis, Neurology Institute, NIH
  12. Thomas Insel, NIMH, NIH


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